milkLate Sunday evening my husband disappeared. He came home toting hobbles for Lolly’s (our new milk cow) back legs. Her milk was ready for us to start drinking, he explained, and the hobbles would keep her from stepping in or kicking over the milk bucket while he milked. (See this post for details.)

A gallon and a half is what we got to keep after he fed the calf. Yea!–no more going to the store for milk! The milk is warm straight from the cow so we put in the fridge.

separateThis is what it looked like this morning when I took it out. You can see the cream has separated and risen to the top.

creamI used a one-fourth cup measuring cup to skim the cream off.

Hmmm…..fresh cream, an over abundance of kale in the garden, sausage in the freezer, and cool, crisp morning air. I think I may have to call my friend Jenni and request her Tuscan soup recipe!