Just one week after the exciting email that Covenant wanted to publish my book, I was assigned an editor. So much for the in a month or so! She sent me feedback from two outside readers to consider and use to make changes before she edits my manuscript.

One of the Readers pointed out that a couple of my characters seemed too perfect. Hmmm … thought I’d given them all weaknesses. Turns out one character is perfect. No flaws. How did I miss that? Thank goodness for Readers. Back to work.

I listened again to a Writing Excuses podcast about character flaws and faults. Brandon Sanderson said he always gives his characters two flaws (internal conflicts) and two faults (external). I’ve got the faults part covered for each of my characters, but I’ve only given each one flaw. So I decided to add one more flaw to each character. With my sleep-deprived brain (new baby), I’ve been struggling to come up with just the right flaws for my characters.

This morning I decided to put out a plea on FB and this blog for anyone to list character flaws. About the time I logged in to FB, it hit me. Do a google search. So I did. And looky what I found! That’s very nearly an exhaustive list. And I LOVE the short definitions that follow. Thanks RPG people! This is one other time (see Dan Wells’ story structure lecture–incredible!) when I’m grateful for your obsession attention to detail.