Letters Ll and Mm

Letters Ll and Mm

Monday Introduce letter Ll and its sound. Practice saying words that start with Ll. (light, little, lion, lollipop, lick, like, lemon, lime) Talk about sweet and sour tastes. Taste some sugar (sweet), taste some lemon juice (sour). Make lemonade. Tuesday Read The...
Letter Review

Letter Review

Play Zingo. Match Alphabet Puzzle Cards. Practice writing first name. Practice ordering letters of last name. Play Alphabet Bingo Count to ten using various game pieces.    

Letter Kk

Read King Bidgood’s in the Bathtub Point out the letter Kk. Talk about the sound it makes. Begin work on retelling the story in preschooler’s words. Make tub for each page and have preschooler add simple drawings and cut outs to go with the story. Put...
Letter Jj

Letter Jj

Monday Introduce the letter Jj and its sound. Practice jumping and hopping. Talk about the difference. Find preschooler’s jacket and ask what letter it starts with. Read The Jacket I Wear in the Snow. Let preschooler say words when book shows pictures....
Letter Ii

Letter Ii

(Sidenote: I just realized this is my 200th, wow! 200th post, so I’m thinking a giveaway is in order. Check back later this week when I’ve had a minute to get my plans typed up and posted.) Daily Lay out colored tiles in patterns. Have preschooler copy...
Letters Gg & Hh

Letters Gg & Hh

Daily Lay out colored tiles in patterns. Have preschooler copy and/or guess the next color(s). Count the tiles in each pattern. Write name. Monday Introduce Gg and the hard and soft sounds it makes. Read Georgie and the Robbers Make a ghost using a kleenex, cotton...