There goes the junior hunter to rid the barn of some pests or maybe just do some target practice with his BB gun.

One year ago I pulled into a Cabela’s parking lot for the first time. (I’m behind the times, I know.) I got out of my car and started walking towards the door where other customers were coming and going. A couple of people exited the store carrying rifles. Another man pulled a gun from the back of his parked car before continuing to the doors. A little ways past the massive entry three men held and admired another gun. And I felt at home. Now I know that probably seems a strange reaction to most of you, but I felt comfortable there–like I understood these people. I also realized the irony most would see of feeling at home surrounded by people carrying guns. So let me explain.

I grew up in a family that hunted. All the meat in our house came from deer and elk hunts and summer fishing trips. When I was in high school, my mom bought some hamburger and made sloppy joes with it. We all wanted to know what ingredients she had left out or changed to make it taste so different. We weren’t accustomed to hamburger. Guns were a way of life in my world and since I experienced a safe and happy childhood, my peaceful response at seeing others toting guns in and out of Cabela’s isn’t all that strange after all.

Have you ever felt comfortable in a place that popular society says you shouldn’t?