Running Equipment

Thanks to and a husband willing to stop on his way through Provo, I’ve now got this indispensable piece of running equipment. I’m not sure who likes it more, the boys or me. I also got a new pair of running shoes. Hey look–no holes in the...

At the Gym

I drove the swim team carpool this week and decided to take advantage of the exercise room while the team practiced. I didn’t get up early enough to get my cardio or weights in before breakfast. After getting the children off to school, I barely had time to do...

Half Marathon Training Update

I love these shoes. Whew–it’s been an odd running year. When I started this blog, I thought I’d do a regular running post. However, my running life has been crazy this year. I was halfway through typing this post when I realized I should rename it...

Thunder and Lightning

A big storm moved in yesterday afternoon and knocked out our power for about five hours. I finished my run this morning in pouring rain with thunder and lightening. That’s one way to cool down fast. The most disturbing part of the entire scenario is that my...

Running Helps Me Write

I ran three miles outside today which gave me cause for celebration. My winter of running on the treadmill had me worried I wouldn’t be ready to run a half marathon in August. One minute of treadmill running feels like a mile. It’s always shocking when I...