Theme:  Letters A & B
Book Project: Brown Bear, Brown Bear by Eric Carle
Scripture Story:  Ammon: A Great Servant

Practice putting cards with letters of name in order. Have name written on 3×5 card for 4yo to look at while he does it–later it will be used for a check at the end of ordering the cards.
Practice writing first name 3x on the white board.

Monday-Introduce Letters
Miss Spider’s Abc Book

Introduce letters and that each letter makes its own sound by comparing to how each animal makes its own sound.
Go back to 1st page of Miss Spider’s ABC by David Kirk and talk about letter Aa and ants. Make ants on a log for lunch. (celery, peanut butter, raisins)

Review Aa sound. Talk about words that start with Aa sound.
Use “The Little Red House With No Doors” story and activity to make textured letter A.  (Source: Preschool by Stormie)

Introduce Bb and sound.
Read The Berenstain’s B Book
Make textured letter B. Glue on beans and buttons. (Source: Preschool by Stormie)

Read Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? My First Reader

(Talk about Aa sound in animals.)
Have 4yo make up his own Brown Bear, Brown Bear story using different animals (3-5 animals). Change teacher and class to Dad and brothers and sisters. Write the words for him and let him draw pictures to match.

Friday-Scripture Story (Read & have 4yo retell on flannel board.)
Ammon: A Great Servant (Book of Mormon Stories Reader Chapter 23)