cardThis card arrived in the mail the day before my birthday. Someday I’m going to be like my Mom and mail birthday cards so they arrive before birthdays instead of days after. I still have a thank you card from this summer waiting to be mailed. It’s been waiting since July. I wrote it in a timely fashion, but never mailed it.

bookBirthdays are so exciting for children. My kindergartner gave me these after lunch the day of my birthday.

“Mommy, what do you want for your birthday?”

“Some hugs and kisses,” I said.

“Not those. Something else.”

“A skirt.”

“You already have clothes.” He threw his head back and grinned as if I were the silliest Mom in the world. Hadn’t I seen my closet full of clothes?

“A book?”

“Yes!” He sprinted into the living room. Then crawled up the stairs. A few minutes later he returned holding a gift bag stuffed with five different colors of tissue paper and one with a turquoise geometric pattern.”Here!” He handed me the bag.

Easy Street! What a fun book.” I gave that little cutie a great big bear hug and a juicy kiss. So I got hugs and kisses for my birthday afterall.
flowers1My oldest son went to play at a friend’s house after school the day of my birthday. Just before dinner my husband left to go pick him up. While he was gone, my sister in-law Anna arrived with these. The card has my mother in-law and sister in-laws names on it. We chatted for a few minutes and she left. Five minutes later my brother in-law Chad arrived with these.

flowers2The card reads, “Happy Birthday from the Girls”. (aka my mother in-law and sisters in-law) I smiled and said thank you. Nate came home and I called everyone to dinner. I turned around from getting the milk out of the fridge to see this sitting on the dining room table.

NateflowersI erupted into laughter. Then Nate saw the other two vases resting on the kitchen counter and the whole family laughed.

dishesThis was my after dinner present which quickly deteriorated into this.

allAnd this.

BnGCheck out the bath towel in the littlest one’s hand. Where did that come from?

laundryI wish I’d never asked.

ZgoIt was all a bit overwhelming and scary for my youngest.

He was begging for someone to help him put his shoes on so he could escape the madhouse.

EholdLuckily his sister rescued him.

AnDAnd the mahem continued.

DadGood times were had by all, and I have leftover birthday cheer in three rooms of the house.