A Project

There it is–my book. My sporadic summer writing schedule has significantly changed my timeline. I’ve completed only one entire revision beginning to end with several smaller scene fixes. Just before we left on vacation I printed it out so I could work on...

Portraits In Time

During Nate’s final year of college he entered a logo contest for the Scenic Byways and won. The officials told Nate his logo would appear on signs throughout Logan Canyon’s Scenic Byway. The Herald Journal interviewed him and he won a mountain bike. That...

Ingredients for a Summer Vacation

Camping with five children requires a lot of stuff. Last week we took a spur of the moment summer vacation. I’ve decided that’s the only kind we can have with this lifestyle. I have to come up with the what and be ready whenever the hay is up and we have a...

Strawberry-Pear Smoothie

Here’s another smoothie we have with breakfast quite often. I’ve found that pears and pineapple are nature’s sugar. If I use them in my smoothies, there is no need for sugar. Plus I got a little overwhelmed last fall when the boxes of pears were...

Craisin Spinach Salad

This is one of my favorite spinach salads. I use the dressing for another salad I’ll have to share later. FOR THE SALAD: 1 bag or bunch of Spinach 1 small head of lettuce (Since I’ve had so much spinach in the garden, I’ve left this out and added...