readThis boy loves tractors. From the moment he wakes up, it’s tractors. Saturday around noon my littlest cowboy looked out the window to see this.


It’s fall, which means plowing time on the farm. And if you’re going to plow the fields, why not plow the garden under, too while you’re at it. However, this was highly distracting for my youngest cowboy. He couldn’t pull himself away from the window to eat lunch. I brought his sandwich to him so he could eat while he watched, but he only grunted at me and pushed the plate away.

(Said two-year-old just climbed on my lap and exclaimed, “Look Mom, it’s a tractor. Tractor Dad’s. Mom, it’s tractor.” He’s still exclaiming this over and over while I type.)

Since he wouldn’t eat, there was only one thing to do–especially because he’d already put on his shoes and was pulling the door open.


This made a boy happy. Tractors and two-year-olds–they’re pretty much inseparable at our house.


My wise ten-year-old understands this connection. Last week this little two-year-old was throwing fits about putting on a pair of pants. My ten-year-old intervened. “Look, your pants are the color of tractor dirt. Do you want to wear your tractor dirt pants?” Of course he did. It’s all about tractors for this cowboy.