This award came from L.A. DeVaul. She’s committed herself to five years of yoga. Everyday. In her own unique and insightful way she’s blogging about her journey. She’s also a soon to be published author. Her novel Roxanne in La La Land (A love triangle between a man, a woman, and a dream.) comes out sometime this spring.

So the rules of this award are to list five fascinating things about myself, and pass the award on to five new blogs. Already I’m in trouble with the fascinating part. How ’bout I go for five perhaps not-so-fascinating-things,-but-things-about-me-nonetheless? Agreed? Agreed.

1. The recipe section of this blog is struggling.

2. So is the running section.

3. There’s a good reason for that.

4. I’m pregnant.

5. For the twelfth time.

Food is beginning to taste better. Maybe I’ll be able to photograph it again. When my energy comes back. Running on the other hand …

Five new blogs for you all to check out:

1. Krista Lynne Jensen This lady I’ve got to meet someday. It’s fun to hear her ever changing playlist.

2.  Chasing Dreams You’ll find a lot of writers commenting here and info about the publishing journey.

3. Preschool by Stormie Yeah, this isn’t a blog. L. A. might have to revoke my award. It’s a fantastic resource for parents who do preschool for their own children and professional educators alike.

4. Cool Running Yes, I know. This isn’t a blog either, but it has fun forums and people. It’s where I found the Couch to 5K program that started me on my running obsession journey. I’ve done a few virtual races with other runners on this site and learned a lot.

5. Writing Excuses This is a blog format. These 15 minute writing podcasts are how I get my Monday morning breakfast dishes done. The comments are fun and informative, too.

Now you know more about me than you really needed  to know on a Monday. Sorry about that.